"Jonah" Message Series
As we begin a new year, we make plans for where we'd like to go. We dream of what we'd like to do. Sometimes our plans don't line up with God's plans for our lives and we even head in the opposite direction.
Jonah knew what God's plan was but he deliberately ran from God. However, it didn't work out well for him and it left him in a pretty dark place. Join us as we begin a new series on the book of Jonah. We'll explore what it means to seek and pursue God's plans for our lives.
Caring Choices Baby Bottle Fundraiser
We will be collecting change for Caring Choices until Father's Day. Caring Choices is a local organization right here in Webster which informs pregnant moms about abortion alternatives. Join us in supporting this awesome mission! You can also donate online at CaringChoicesPHC.com