"Created For Connections" Message Series
Do you ever feel like no one really understands you? In an age where we are more connected with others than ever before through smartphones, video calls, and social media, how is it that we can still feel disconnected? While we love our technology and how instantaneously we can send a message to anyone, anywhere, it can't replace a meaningful in-person conversation, a hug or even a smile.
You were created for deep and meaningful connections with other people. It's one of our purposes here on earth. You were meant to be connected with the church, God's family to encourage you and support you in your journey of faith. You were meant to experience deep, open and honest relationships with the people in your lives. Join us for this exciting new message series as we look at what the bible says our relationships should be like.
Keep Calm And Carry On Bible Study
Join us Wednesday evenings (every other week) from 7-8:30pm for a new video-based bible study from Pastor Levi Lusko. We'll also have a time of worship, prayer and fellowship.
Upcoming studies:
Mar. 19th, 7pm
Apr. 2nd, 7pm
Caring Choices Baby Bottle Fundraiser
We will be collecting change for Caring Choices until Father's Day. Caring Choices is a local organization right here in Webster which informs pregnant moms about abortion alternatives. Join us in supporting this awesome mission! You can also donate online at CaringChoicesPHC.com