Pastor John's Blog

The Moon

By Pastor John on 4/15/2007

It's difficult to think of God as "unchanging."  Our lives and everything around us are changing so rapidly, how can we imagine a God that stays the same.

Try to think of something that hasn't changed in the past 500 years?  It's hard to think of anything.  The moon is one of the few things that we can look at and pretty much guarantee that it didn't look any different 2000 years ago.  It's is the same moon that the founding fathers of our country looked at, it's the same moon that Adam and Eve looked at, the same moon that Moses and Abraham and David look at, and it's the same moon Jesus looked at.  I can imagine him looking up at the moon as He prayed.

When you're life seems to be spinning out of control, look at the moon and think of the unchanging qualities of God.  It will look the same tomorrow, I promise.
