Pastor John's Blog

Happy Thanksgiving!

By Pastor John on 11/21/2007

Thanksgiving is unreasonable.  It's unreasonable that 24,000 people will starve to death this Thanksgiving.  That's 1,000 people per hour.  In the words of Bono, "How is it than in a world of plenty, so many are left to starve?"  It's hard to comprehend.  Americans will probably throw out as much food as could feed every person.  So how do we respond?  Do we say a longer grace this year before dinner to show our thanks to God for what we have?  Do we try not to think about it?  Do we try to send our leftovers to those who are starving?  I don't have the answer.  But God is good, all the time and His love endures forever.  Let's let God's eternal saving grace abound where starvation is taking earthly lives.  Happy Thanksgiving.
