What's on my mind....

By Pastor Lin on 3/15/2009

"It's time for healing...."

Those are the beginning words to the worship song we're going to do immediately after the message today.  The title of our new series is "SCARS."  (Thanks Mark Batterson for the idea.)

Today our message title is "Scars From Old Wounds."

So all week I've been thinking a lot about this topic.  And I've been thinking about my own personal scars and wounds from the past.  And I'm even thanking God for them.

Those old scars are a part of me.  They remind me that yes, I've been wounded.  But they also remind me that, praise the Lord, I've been healed.

They helped forge my character and taught me to lean deeper into the Everlasting arms to find out who I really am.

It was during those hard, difficult times of being wounded that I found out who I really am, and more importantly, found out how much I could always count on my Lord seeing me through it all.

Just as the scriptures say, By His wounds, I have been healed!  I am loved by the King and nothing compares to the promise I have in HIM!!!

I can't wait to worship Him today! 

