From last BHCC Enews

By Pastor Lin on 11/12/2008
Celebrate God's Love!

In the Old Testament, God tells the nation of Israel to remember the marvelous works of God by celebrating. After 40 years of wandering in the wilderness, they find themselves poised to go into the promised land of Canaan and the Lord, through his servant Moses, gives them some final instructions: Celebrate!

Wow---God actually tells His people to celebrate?  Ya mean, He wants us to have fun & be happy and just celebrate together?  How cool is our God!
The Feast of Tabernacles. The nation of Israel was to cut down branches from the woods and build shelters to live in for 7 days and stop their work to celebrate the sustaining power of God to keep them as He did in the wilderness for 40 years without homes.
They were to bring offerings to the Lord and not appear "empty-handed" before the Lord (16:16). In celebrating this protection of the Lord, Moses instructs them again, "Be joyful at your feast!" (16:14)
I just love that. It's as if he's saying, "Oh, and another thing -- don't you guys forget to have fun, have great fun and be thrilled to celebrate the goodness and greatness of our Lord!"

We need some instructions like that sometimes, lest we forget.

When is the last time you made time to simply CELEBRATE God's love?
Well, that's what the BHCC worship service is every Sunday---it's a CELEBRATION of all that God has done and continues to do for all of us! God commands us to celebrate and yes, HAVE FUN!
Psalm 21:13
Rise up, O Lord, in all your power.
      With music and singing we celebrate your mighty acts.
Psalm 135:3
Praise the Lord, for the Lord is good;
      celebrate his lovely name with music.
I think one of the best ways for us to celebrate God's love for us is by counting our blessings every day!  Yeah, there will always be problems and challenges in our lives.  Who doesn't have problems?  But friends, don't miss out on all the GOOD that God has given you too!  Don't take those things for granted---like ever!  Literally COUNT your blessings. 
Do you have enough food to eat?  Are you warm?  Do you have a nice bed to sleep in with a roof over your head?  Do you have people to love?  Are you loved by others?  Keep listing your blessings and CELEBRATE the good that God has given you!
We have SO MUCH to celebrate at BHCC too!  Please join me in thanking God as I list just a few of His blessings right here:
We had 10 people take the 101 CLASS this past Sunday (4 people couldn't make it that signed up).  Just a few months ago, 12 people took the class and became members.  That means that 22 people became BHCC members in a very short time span!  And there is many more wanting to take the class still!
We had 7 people take BHCC 201!!!!  PTL!!! (Praise the Lord!)
We had 5 people take 301!!! (ptl!)
Including the teachers, students and helpers, we had a group of 27 people involved in the BHCC 101-401 Classes this past Sunday! That's amazing!  Special thanks to Lucille Lamb and her many helpers for the fabulous lasagna dinner we all had together after the classes!  PTL!!!  New friendships were made and other friendships were deepened!  If you missed this round of classes, know they'll be offered again at the end of January!
Celebrate the many new people coming to BHCC recently!  Since we've been at the Theater, BHCC has grown by 68 new people coming to BHCC!  We are now over 100 people who consider BHCC their church!  Now, if we could just get everyone committed to more REGULAR Sunday attendance---we'd have some awesome celebration on Sunday!
Let's celebrate the people of BHCC that have been here for awhile as well!  God Bless them abundantly for their faithfullness to His church!
Remember, only the Lord can grow the church so we know He is working here in our midst!  Let's celebrate His mighty acts as the scripture says!  Many people are finding salvation at BHCC---that's something awesome to celebrate!!!
In just just 10 more days, Pastor John and Jen will be united in HOLY matrimony! This is something we can all celebrate for and with John and Jen.  Let's pray for them and surround them with our unconditional LOVE and prayers of protection!
We have such an incredible, loving, wonderful church family at BHCC!  Let's celebrate God's gift to us of each other!  BHCC is an incredibly HEALTHY church & you can feel it every single Sunday!  We have so many AWESOME, caring people here!  I am celebrating all of you!  You are truly my family & I mean that will all my heart, mind and soul!!!
Yes friends, don't forget to take a minute to stop, count your blessings and celebrate all that God has done and continues to do for you & our church!  It will change your attitude & make you feel grateful & energized.  God commands us to celebrate, so be at church this Sunday and be ready to celebrate  God with all of us!