Easter Halleluiahs & random scattered thoughts!

By Pastor Lin on 4/11/2007

Wow---what an amazing Easter we all had together.  Everyone seems to LOVE being in the movie theater!  What a perfect place to worship our Risen Lord!

I can't believe how much has happened in such a short time!

Brand new worship location!  Brand new 24/7 office & beyond space!

And on Good Friday, my mother found out & told me that she has lung cancer.

It feels like a lot of life to live in a very short time.  Tomorrow is my birthday.  It's a big number to turn.  Why do we have to count birthdays anyway?  Who started that?  I think we should all stop counting after 21.  It seems very unnessary to me. :-)

The good, the bad and the ugly lives side by side in this crazy mixed up world.  So many blessings to count.  So many tears to shed. 

I miss my best friend.  It's been two and a half years since she died.  I still can't believe she's not here.  We celebrated so many birthdays together.  I still have the beautiful purse she gave me three years ago for my birthday.  The last time I saw her, I hugged her & told her I loved her.  The last thing she said to me was that she loved me too.  I still feel her love.

Because of Easter, I know I'll see her again.  Because of Easter, I don't worry too much about my Mom.  She believes in Easter too.  She is so full of faith & I am so very proud of her.

Life is hard, but God is GOOD all the time!  Thank you Jesus, that you loved us, even while we were still sinning.  Thank you Jesus, that you did not go to the cross with a bitter heart.  Thank you Jesus, that you asked God to forgive us, even while you hung on the cross.  Thank you Jesus, that the thief hanging next to you got to go to paradise with you---he didn't earn his way to heaven, he simply accepted your invitation.  Thank you Jesus that you loved my best friend & thank you Jesus that you love my Mom & thank you Jesus, that you love me too.........



