By Pastor Lin on 9/19/2011
Right now is definitely a time to celebrate in our church!

During our worship service yesterday, we handed out 17 baptism certificates and 25 new BHCC member certificates, PTL! Welcome HOME family, welcome HOME!!! The BHCC family is continuing to grow!

Yesterday we had our Lasagna Fundraiser and drawing for our Huge raffle basket full of amazing prizes! Congratulations to Nick and Judy Disalvo for winning the big basket!!!

Between the raffle, the dinner and many donations from all of you, we have raised more than $2000.00 for our Fall Mailers!!!  Congratulations BHCC Peeps, you ALL did an amazing job!

Next week, we will send out 15,000 direct mailers to invite our neighbors (and future family members) to join us for our October Open House!  PTL! It's all about changing lives for all eternity! BHCC is on a mission for God and we are seeing the Hand of God building His church!

How awesome that He invites us to partner with Him and be His hands and feet to the world.  We have a purpose and the result is we are seeing the Kingdom of God come to earth! We see lives changed, marriages saved, people delivered from addictions and evil and people living lives for God's purposes (and not selfish ones!).

I can't wait to see all God will do through our Fall Open House starting October 2nd! Our outreach series is entitled: "Love at Last Sight!"

Take the 30-Day Relationship Challenge!

Do you have relationships that are less than what they should be?

Now you can change everything and take steps to reconnect with the people who really matter—and we don’t mean by adding them on Facebook! Relationships are not about initial attractions, but about last things—the experience you shared the last time you were with someone…the words you spoke with her last week…the effort you made for him the last time you saw him.

Love at Last Sight offers a one-month relationship plan that will improve your most important bonds, with a weekly focus and daily readings that guide you through the process. From learning to be present in the moment, acting intentionally, risking awkwardness, and learning to let go, you’ll discover wisdom from the Bible that contradicts what popular culture would have you believe.

Beginning Oct. 2nd at BHCC!!!
